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Luftkanaler för kylning av bromsar

Tillverkare: MotoCoach
MotoCoach luftkanaler för kylning av bromsar. Kommer i SET. Material: Carbon Säkerställer att luft kontinuerligt träffar bromsoken och kyler därför med 15-20 grader.
Märke, modell och år
2 695,00 kr
  • subtitles Produktbeskrivning

    Kyler bromsarna för att ta bort fade. Sänker temperaturen 15-20 grader kontinuerligt.


    The MotoCoach motorcycle brake caliper cooling Air Duct PRO lowers the brake caliper temperature by approx. 15-20 degrees and thus prevents the temperature-dependent expansion of the fluid and the material. The brake dust no longer has a chance to burn itself firmly to the brake pistons while they are being cooled.

    This means that we no longer have to change braking behavior and can keep the braking points lap after lap.

    At the end of 2016, the Air Duct PRO motorcycle brake caliper cooling system was tested by Didier Grams at RoadRacing in Macau and has been an integral part of his racing bikes since then.

    The Air Duct PRO brake caliper cooling system and our brake lever protection are made by hand, so we make sure that the 1.mm strong spring steel holder is in the right place. This spring steel holder is cut with laser technology to ensure that the brake calipers are fitted precisely on the fork foot.

    Approved by FIM since 2018!

    In use at the World Cup:

    In use at the EM: